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April Newsletter
April 10, 2013

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Now that spring is finally here you are ready to get out and clean out your yard.

Just like shovelling snow you need to take care of your back while raking those leaves.

Make sure not to over do it, if you start to get achy stop! It's not worth forcing your self to work through the pain. As some of you know doing that can set you back for months.

Self Care Classes

I am working on putting together on going self care classes starting the month of May.

Class will more than likely be held on Monday nights around 6:30 - 8:30. We will cover self massage, gentle stretches, and meditation. Your first class will be FREE then there will be a $10 fee to join in on the fun !

Stay tune to our Facebook page and flyers in the office for the date when we will start.

I've got an oil for that

Have or had metal fillings in your teeth?

Cilantro essential oil helps your body eliminate metal from your body. Those that like to eat a lot of large fish such as tuna can also find adding cilantro to 8 oz of water to help get rid of the mercury.

The April specials when you buy online from doTERRA are PB Assist+, which is their pro-biotic formula is 10% off.

And if you place a $125 order by April 15 you will get a FREE 5ml bottle of DigestZen.

Make an Online Appointment

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